Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Blog # 2

For the past two days the entire state of California has experiencing a cold front system working into our weather patterns. This cold front storm was a violent, wet, and windy storm that lasted about two and a half days long. This caused many power outages and car accidents around the city of Sacramento. Because this was the first storm of the season of course all the oils on the streets and highways were causing the roads to be a lot slicker than normal. Along with these accidents and power outages came flooded areas around Sacramento and the entire Central Valley, and caused many trees to be knocked over by the heavy waters and violent winds.
Back in the Bay Area, where my family still lives, there was just as violent storming dumping out there. However, the major difference I have noticed since living in the Bay Area as compared to Sacramento, is that the roads are a lot better designed for the raining season out in the greater San Francisco Bay Area. I did receive a phone call from my family informing me that all the rain had triggered an earthquake back home, the magnitude however I am unaware of.
This violent cold front storm is exactly what we were told would happen in class. It was only two and a half days long. But it was violent, wet, windy, and extremely colder than it was during the constant temperature of the last few weeks.

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